Low Back Pain & Chiropractic Care: Does it Help?

Posted on February 23, 2021

When compared to other non-surgical treatment approaches, Chiropractic consistently provides both patient relief and less time away from work and life events like picking up and playing with your child, grandchild, or pet.


A study by Dr. Michael P. Roizen measured symptomatic improvements by tracking activity tolerances with assessments before and after each appointment. He also measured the muscle in the low back, the multifidus muscle, by ultrasound to determine how much the patient recruits that muscle to help with certain moves.


This resulted in patients who received spinal manipulative chiropractic care having less pain, more activity tolerance, and less spinal stiffness. These patients had immediate improvements with reduced pain and less low back recruitment during certain moves.


During your first visit or a new injury examination, we do a thorough examination to assess your pain level, your goals, range of motion, the severity of how you injured yourself, etc. Many times we want to take x-rays (in our office) to ensure we get to the root of the problem. Once we have all of the information, you are provided with a full report of findings and what our recommendations would be to get you on the road to recovery. It looks different for each patient because each of you and your injuries or goals are all unique.


Each appointment our Doctor checks in with you on your progress and we’ve found that the patients who complete their care plan, along with recommendations for home care, improve the quickest. Visit Accident and Injury Chiropractic office in Tacoma, Washington. You can also call (253) 215-8350 to book a complimentary consultation today.

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